저희 국제선플국민운동본부에서는 희생자 가족들에게 깊은 애도의 뜻을 전하며, 미국 코네티컷주 샌디 훅 초등학교 총기사건 희생자를 추모하는 선플링에 동참을 호소합니다. 2012년 12월 14일 오전 9시 35분, 미국 코네티컷 주 샌디훅 초등학교(Sandy Hook Elementary School)에서 총기 난사사건이 발생하여 어린이 20명, 교직원 6명, 피의자의 모친을 포함하여 총 27명이 사망하는 사건이 발생하여 전 세계인을 비탄에 빠트렸습니다. 당신의 추모의 글이 비탄에 젖은 희생자 가족들에게 커다란 위안이 될 것입니다. 저희 국제선플국민운동본부에서는 희생자 가족들에게 깊은 애도의 뜻을 전하며, 희생자를 위한 [추모와 위로의 선플] 남기기를 제안 드립니다. 샌디훅 초등학교 희생자들의 가족들에게 간략한 위로의 선플을 남겨주세요.

조의를 표하고자 하는 분들은 희생자 가족들에게 전달을 위해 영어로 작성해 주시고,
아래의 영문 예문을 참고하실 수 있습니다.

추모의 선플 예문보기

" 현재, 미 샌디훅 초등학교 추모선플달기 캠페인이 종료되었습니다.
여러분께서 정성껏 올려주신 선플은 책자로 제작되어 '성김'주한미국대사에게 전달 되었습니다.
감사합니다. "

[관련 기사 보기] 성 김 美대사 "한국민들 선플 위로에 감사"




Kim, Mikyun
Seoul, Korea

The Korean people’s thoughts and prayers are with the victims and their families of this tragic event.

December 26, 2012

Kim, Seong-jin
Seoul, Korea

My deepest sympathies for the victims and their family members.

December 26, 2012

Lee, Chan-Sung
Seoul, Korea

I just wanted to express my sympathy to all of the families and classmates that were affected by the horrific tragedy that occurred at your school.

December 27, 2012

Nam, Eun-Jung
Seoul, Korea

My condolences to the families, fellow-students and faculty of the victims.

December 27, 2012

Kim, Na-Hyeon
Seoul, Korea

I am a Korean, I send all my deepest sympathy and sorrow on this tragic day. My thoughts and prayers are with you.

December 27, 2012

Park, Jun-hyeok
Seoul, Korea

You are in our thoughts and our prayers. I pray that God will give you the strength to make it through this devastating time.

December 27, 2012

Lee, Seungwon
Daejeon, Korea

The Korean people’s thoughts and prayers are with the victims and their families of this tragic event,

December 27, 2012

Seoul, Korea

I just wanted to express my sympathy to all of the families and classmates that were affected by the horrific tragedy that occurred at your school.

December 27, 2012

Yoon, Ra gyung
Ulsan, Korea

I am a Korean, I send all my deepest sympathy and sorrow on this tragic day.

December 27, 2012

Han woe-hyon
Seoul, Korea

Beautiful flowers fall. Words cannot express my sorrow. I hope the survivors will overcome their sorrow and stay comforted.

December 27, 2012

Seoul, Korea

It is heart-breaking. I hope the survivors will overcome with the sorrow and stay comforted

December 27, 2012

Seoul, Korea

The Korean people’s thoughts and prayers are with the victims and their families of this tragic event

December 27, 2012

Kim, Young-jin
Seoul, Korea

I extend my condolences to all the friends and loved ones who lost their loved ones in the shooting.

December 27, 2012

Kim, Young-jin
Seoul, Korea

The Korean people’s thoughts and prayers are with the victims and their families of this tragic event,

December 27, 2012

Seoul, Korea

I am a Korean, I send all my deepest sympathy and sorrow on this tragic day. My thoughts and prayers are with you.

December 27, 2012

Seo Jin-seok
Daegeon, Korea

Although it happened in another country I am very sad about it.

December 27, 2012

Seoul, Korea

It is heart-breaking. I hope the survivors will overcome with the sorrow and stay comforted.

December 27, 2012

Seoul, Korea

You are in our thoughts and our prayers. I pray that God will give you the strength to make it through this devastating time.

December 27, 2012

Seoul, Korea

Our thoughts and prayers go out to everyone at Sandy Hook Elementary School

December 27, 2012

Seoul, Korea

The Korean people’s thoughts and prayers are with the victims and their families of this tragic event

December 27, 2012

Seoul, Korea

My deepest sympathies for the victims and their family members.

December 27, 2012

Seoul, Korea

The Korean people’s thoughts and prayers are with the victims and their families of this tragic event.

December 27, 2012

Seoul, Korea

I am a Korean, I send all my deepest sympathy and sorrow on this tragic day. My thoughts and prayers are with you.

December 27, 2012

Jeong, Deok-hyun
Gunsan, Korea

The Korean people’s thoughts and prayers are with the victims and their families of this tragic event,

December 27, 2012

Shin sang mo
Seoul, Korea

I am a Korean, I send all my deepest sympathy and sorrow on this tragic day. My thoughts and prayers are with you.

December 27, 2012

Seoul, Korea

I extend my condolences to all the friends and loved ones who lost their loved ones in the shooting

December 27, 2012

Kim, Young-jin
Seoul, Korea

The Korean people’s thoughts and prayers are with the victims and their families of this tragic event,

December 27, 2012

Kim, dong won
Seoul, Korea

I extend my condolences to all the friends and loved ones who lost their loved ones in the shooting.

December 27, 2012

Kim, Young-jin
Seoul, Korea

I extend my condolences to all the friends and loved ones who lost their loved ones in the shooting.

December 27, 2012

Kim, dong won
Seoul, Korea

You are in our thoughts and our prayers. I pray that God will give you the strength to make it through this devastating time.

December 27, 2012

An sukchan
Seoul, Korea

The Korean people’s thoughts and prayers are with the victims and their families of this tragic event,

December 27, 2012

Seoul, Korea

The Korean people’s thoughts and prayers are with the victims and their families of this tragic event,

December 27, 2012

Yun, Chan young
Gunsan, Korea

It is heart-breaking. I hope the survivors will overcome with the sorrow and stay comforted.

December 27, 2012

Seoul, Korea

I extend my condolences to all the friends and loved ones who lost their loved ones in the shooting.

December 27, 2012

Chae, WuSeok
Gunsan, Korea

I just wanted to express my sympathy to all of the families and classmates that were affected by the horrific tragedy that occurred at your school.

December 27, 2012

Seoul, Korea

The Korean people’s thoughts and prayers are with the victims and their families of this tragic event,

December 27, 2012

Seoul, Korea

It is heart-breaking. I hope the survivors will overcome with the sorrow and stay comforted.

December 27, 2012

Lee, Ju
Gunsan, Korea

Their memories will last forever.

December 27, 2012

Seoul, Korea

Our thoughts and prayers go out to everyone at Sandy Hook Elementary School.

December 27, 2012

Jin, Sang-Myeong
Gunsan, Korea

It is heart-breaking. I hope the survivors will overcome with the sorrow and stay comforted.

December 27, 2012

Lee, Su-sung
Gunsan, Korea

You are in our thoughts and our prayers. I pray that God will give you the strength to make it through this devastating time.

December 27, 2012

Ji-Hwan Mun
Kunsanl, Korea

It is heart-breaking. I hope the survivors will overcome with the sorrow and stay comforted.

December 27, 2012

Kim, Gimin
Gunsan, Korea

I extend my condolences to all the friends and loved ones who lost their loved ones in the shooting.

December 27, 2012

Ko, si young
Gunsan, Korea

I just wanted to express my sympathy to all of the families and classmates that were affected by the horrific tragedy that occurred at your school.

December 27, 2012

Lee Ye Chan
Gunsan, Korea

My deepest sympathies for the victims and their family members.

December 27, 2012

Choi, Da-Bin
Gunsan, Korea

I am a Korean, I send all my deepest sympathy and sorrow on this tragic day. My thoughts and prayers are with you.

December 27, 2012

Park, Eun-Sung
Gunsan, Korea

I am a Korean, I send all my deepest sympathy and sorrow on this tragic day. My thoughts and prayers are with you.

December 27, 2012

Hwan-Cheol Kim
Gunsan, Korea

I am a Korean, I send all my deepest sympathy and sorrow on this tragic day. My thoughts and prayers are with you.

December 27, 2012

Lee, Neung-In
Gunsan, Korea

I just wanted to express my sympathy to all of the families and classmates that were affected by the horrific tragedy that occurred at your school.

December 27, 2012

Lee, namsin
Gunsan, Korea

It is heart-breaking. I hope the survivors will overcome with the sorrow and stay comforted.

December 27, 2012

Jo, jae-won
Gunsan, Korea

My deepest sympathies for the victims and their family members.

December 27, 2012

Park, Jeong - Yean
Gansan, Korea

The Korean people’s thoughts and prayers are with the victims and their families of this tragic event.

December 27, 2012

Kim, Young-jin
Seoul, Korea

It is heart-breaking. I hope the survivors will overcome with the sorrow and stay comforted.

December 27, 2012

Seoul, Korea

My warmest tribute to the memory of the deceased.

December 27, 2012

Kim, Young-jin
Seoul, Korea

The Korean people’s thoughts and prayers are with the victims and their families of this tragic event,

December 27, 2012

Kim, Young-jin
Seoul, Korea

The Korean people’s thoughts and prayers are with the victims and their families of this tragic event,

December 27, 2012

Kim, Young-jin
Seoul, Korea

With deep regret and love.

December 27, 2012

Kim, Young-jin
Seoul, Korea

It is heart-breaking. I hope the survivors will overcome with the sorrow and stay comforted.

December 27, 2012

Lee, Sung-bin
Ulsan, Korea

Our thoughts and prayers go out to everyone at Sandy Hook Elementary School.

December 27, 2012

Seoul, Korea

Peace be with you in your grief.

December 27, 2012

Kim, Young-jin
Seoul, Korea

I am a Korean, I send all my deepest sympathy and sorrow on this tragic day. My thoughts and prayers are with you.

December 27, 2012

Seoul, Korea

I extend my condolences to all the friends and loved ones who lost their loved ones in the shooting.

December 27, 2012

Ulsan, Korea

I am a Korean, I send all my deepest sympathy and sorrow on this tragic day. My thoughts and prayers are with you.

December 27, 2012

Seoul, Korea

I am a Korean, I send all my deepest sympathy and sorrow on this tragic day. My thoughts and prayers are with you.

December 27, 2012

Kim, Young-jin
Seoul, Korea

I am a Korean, I send all my deepest sympathy and sorrow on this tragic day. My thoughts and prayers are with you.

December 27, 2012

Seoul, Korea

The Korean people’s thoughts and prayers are with the victims and their families of this tragic event,

December 27, 2012

Kim, Young-jin
Seoul, Korea

My deepest sympathies for the victims and their family members.

December 27, 2012

Kim, Young-jin
Seoul, Korea

The Korean people’s thoughts and prayers are with the victims and their families of this tragic event,

December 27, 2012

Kim, Young-jin
Seoul, Korea

The Korean people’s thoughts and prayers are with the victims and their families of this tragic event,

December 27, 2012

Seoul, Korea

Peace be with you in your grief.

December 27, 2012

choe, jin-back
Ulsan, Korea

My deepest sympathies for the victims and their family members.

December 27, 2012

Kim, Young-jin
Seoul, Korea

The Korean people’s thoughts and prayers are with the victims and their families of this tragic event,

December 27, 2012

Kim, Young-jin
Seoul, Korea

The Korean people’s thoughts and prayers are with the victims and their families of this tragic event,

December 27, 2012

Kim, Young-jin
Seoul, Korea

The Korean people’s thoughts and prayers are with the victims and their families of this tragic event,

December 27, 2012

Kim, Young-jin
Seoul, Korea

Our thoughts and prayers go out to everyone at Sandy Hook Elementary School.

December 27, 2012

Seoul, Korea

It is heart-breaking. I hope the survivors will overcome with the sorrow and stay comforted.

December 27, 2012

Seoul, Korea

Peace be with you in your grief

December 27, 2012

Kim, Young-jin
Seoul, Korea

The Korean people’s thoughts and prayers are with the victims and their families of this tragic event,

December 27, 2012

Jeon, Yeon-su
Daegu, Korea

The Korean people’s thoughts and prayers are with the victims and their families of this tragic event,

December 27, 2012

Kim, jin-hwon
Gunsan, Korea

The Korean people’s thoughts and prayers are with the victims and their families of this tragic event,

December 27, 2012

yu, jang-bong
Gunsan, Korea

The Korean people’s thoughts and prayers are with the victims and their families of this tragic event,

December 27, 2012

Lim, Yoonkyung
Seoul, Korea

I extend my condolences to all the friends and loved ones who lost their loved ones in the shooting.

December 27, 2012

Lee, Sang-wook
Seoul, Korea

Peace be with you in your grief.

December 27, 2012

Lee, Hee-Su
Incheon, Korea

I extend my condolences to all the friends and loved ones who lost their loved ones in the shooting.

December 27, 2012

Lee, Ha-rim
Seoul, Korea

I extend my condolences to all the friends and loved ones who lost their loved ones in the shooting.

December 27, 2012

Seoul, Korea

I extend my condolences to all the friends and loved ones who lost their loved ones in the shooting

December 27, 2012

Kim, Young-jin
Gimcheon, Korea.

I am a Korean, I send all my deepest sympathy and sorrow on this tragic day. My thoughts and prayers are with you.

December 27, 2012

Seoul, Korea

I am a Korean, I send all my deepest sympathy and sorrow on this tragic day. My thoughts and prayers are with you.

December 27, 2012

Moon, Jong-Gook
Gimcheon, Korea

It is heart-breaking. I hope the survivors will overcome with the sorrow and stay comforted.

December 27, 2012

park min wook
Gimchen, Korea

You are in our thoughts and our prayers. I pray that God will give you the strength to make it through this devastating time.

December 27, 2012

Yu, Hae-sang
Gimcheon, Korea

The Korean people’s thoughts and prayers are with the victims and their families of this tragic event,

December 27, 2012

daejeon, Korea

Peace be with you in your grief.

December 27, 2012

Kim, Young-jin
Seoul, Korea

The Korean people’s thoughts and prayers are with the victims and their families of this tragic event,

December 27, 2012

Seoul, Korea

I just wanted to express my sympathy to all of the families and classmates that were affected by the horrific tragedy that occurred at your school

December 27, 2012

Park Eon-ju
Seoul, Korea

It is heart-breaking. I hope the survivors will overcome with the sorrow and stay comforted.

December 27, 2012

Bae, sun young
Daegu, Korea

The Korean people’s thoughts and prayers are with the victims and their families of this tragic event,

December 27, 2012

Choi, min jung
Gyeonggi-do, Korea

I am a Korean, I send all my deepest sympathy and sorrow on this tragic day. My thoughts and prayers are with you.

December 27, 2012

Kim, Seon-jin
Gim-Cheon, Korea

My condolences to the families, fellow-students and faculty of the victims.

December 27, 2012

Heo, jin-nyeong
Daegu, Korea

With great sympathy and love.

December 27, 2012

An, Je-min
Gunsan, Korea

My condolences to the families, fellow-students and faculty of the victims.

December 27, 2012